Design for X


Design for Assembly
Design for Assembly secondo approccio Boothroyd and Dewhurst per la riduzione del numero di componenti e del tempo di assemblaggio.
Conceptual Design for Assembly secondo approccio Stone & McAdams usato nelle fasi concettuali di progettazione per la riduzione dei costi di assembly e dei processi produttivi.

Design for Disassembly
Design for Disassembly secondo approccio della Matrice delle Precedenze e delle Sequenze di Smontaggio, per identificare operazioni critiche e percorsi critici di disassembly

Design for End of Life
Design for End of Life secondo approccio della Materials Selection per il rispetto delle normative (REACH, RoHS, etc.) e per aumentare la riciclabilità di prodotto.


Le attività di ricerca vengono svolte nel laboratorio di Virtual Prototyping.

  1. Mandolini, M., Favi, C., Germani, M., & Marconi, M. (2018). Time-based disassembly method: how to assess the best disassembly sequence and time of target components in complex products. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 95(1–4), 409–430.
  2. Favi, C., Marconi, M., Germani, M., & Mandolini, M. (2019). A design for disassembly tool oriented to mechatronic product de-manufacturing and recycling. Advanced Engineering Informatics, 39(November 2018), 62–79.
  3. Favi, C., Germani, M., Luzi, A., Mandolini, M., & Marconi, M. (2017). A design for EoL approach and metrics to favour closed-loop scenarios for products. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 10(3), 136–146.
  4. Favi, C., Germani, M., Luzi, A., Mandolini, M., & Marconi, M. (2017). A design for EoL approach and metrics to favour closed-loop scenarios for products. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, 10(3), 136–146.
  5. Peruzzini, M., Mandolini, M., & Raffaeli, R. (2016). A Design-to-sustainability Platform based on Functional Representations and Simplified Geometric Layouts. In CAD’16 (Vol. 14, pp. 301–312). Vancouver: CAD Solutions LLC.
  6. Marconi, M., Favi, C., Germani, M., Mandolini, M., & Mengarelli, M. (2017). A Collaborative End of Life platform to Favour the Reuse of Electronic Components. Procedia CIRP, 61, 166–171.
  7. Favi, C., Germani, M., Mandolini, M., & Marconi, M. (2017). A Software Tool for the Analysis and Management of Resource Consumptions and Environmental Impacts of Manufacturing Plants. Procedia CIRP, 61, 341–346.
  8. Favi, C., Germani, M., Mandolini, M., & Marconi, M. (2016). Includes Knowledge of Dismantling Centers in the Early Design Phase: A Knowledge-based Design for Disassembly Approach. In Procedia CIRP (Vol. 48, pp. 401–406).
  9. Favi, C., Germani, M., & Mandolini, M. (2016). Design for Manufacturing and Assembly vs. Design to Cost: Toward a Multi-objective Approach for Decision-making Strategies During Conceptual Design of Complex Products. Procedia CIRP, 50, 275–280.
  10. Favi, C., Germani, M., Mandolini, M., & Marconi, M. (2016). Disassembly Knowledge Classification and Potential Application: A Preliminary Analysis on a Washing Machine. In Volume 4: 21st Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference; 10th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems (Vol. 4, p. V004T05A011). ASME.
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