Caratterizzazione meccanica e microstrutturale di materiali metallici


Il gruppo di ricerca si occupa della caratterizzazione meccanica e microstrutturale di materiali metallici deformati ad alta temperatura. Tramite prove di torsione il materiale viene deformato in condizioni molto prossime a quelle tipiche dei processo di laminazione, estrusione e stampaggio. La risposta del materiale viene poi correlata alla sua evoluzione microstrutturale.

  1. S.Spigarelli, M. El Mehtedi, M.Cabibbo, Constitutive analysis of high-temperature workability of a high-nitrogen bearing steel, Materials Science and Technology, 32 (2016) 1071-1078.ISSN: 02670836 DOI: 10.1080/02670836.2015.1104086   
  2. S. Spigarelli, A.Jäger, M.El Mehtedi, V. Gärtnerová, Microstructural and constitutive analysis in process modeling of hot working: The case of a Mg-Zn-Mn alloy Materials Science and Engineering, A 661 (2016) 40-50.ISSN: 09215093  DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2016.03.008
  3. S. Spigarelli, M. El Mehtedi, M. Cabibbo, F. Gabrielli, D. Ciccarelli, High temperature processing of brass: Constitutive analysis of hot working of Cu–Zn alloys, Materials Science and Engineering, A 615 (2014) 331-339. ISSN: 09215093 DOI: 10.1016/j.msea.2014.07.091
  4. M. El Mehtedi, F. Musharavati, S.Spigarelli, Modelling of the flow behaviour of wrought aluminium alloys at elevated temperatures by a new constitutive equation, Materials and Design, 54 (2014) 869–873. ISSN: 02613069Source  DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2013.09.013  
  5. M. El Mehtedi, F. Gabrielli, S. Spigarelli, Hot workability in process modeling of a bearing steel by using combined constitutive equations and dynamic material model, Materials and Design, 53 (2014) 398–404. ISSN: 02613069 DOI: 10.1016/j.matdes.2013.07.055
  6. S.Spigarelli, M. El Mehtedi, C.Mapelli, Constitutive equations for prediction of the flow behaviour of Duplex Stainless Steels, Materials Science and Engineering A527 (2010) 4218–4228.
  7. H.J. McQueen, S. Spigarelli, “Nomenclature for strain-induced boundaries in hot and cold working”, Mater. Sci.Eng., A 462 (2007) 37-44.
  8. E. Evangelista , M. Masini , M. El Mehtedi, S. Spigarelli, “Hot working and multipass deformation of a 41Cr4 steel “, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 378/1-2 (2004) 151-154.
  9. M.Cabibbo, E.Evangelista, S.Spigarelli, “Microstructural characterisation of secondary-phase particles in hot deformed Al-Cu-Mg-Zr alloy”, Met. Mat. Trans. 35A (2004) 293.
  10. S.Spigarelli, E,Evangelista, H.J.McQueen, “Study of hot workability of a heat treated 6082 Aluminum alloy”, Scripta Mater., 46/2 (2003) 179.
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