Ancona, Italy, 24 – 27 June 2014
The International Conference on Vibration Measurements by Laser Techniques was first held in October 1994 and since its very first edition it has met large consensus among the International Research Community. The Conference aims at creating an active and stimulating forum for sharing current research results and technical advances and for promoting the development of new systems for laboratory use, field testing and industrial applications.
For this reason, experts in vibration and acoustics, manufacturers and authorities in the field of optical and non- invasive instrumentation and industrial users of such measurement devices have come from all over the world to present their activities and innovative approaches to vibration measurements.
This year the conference will have its focus on novel measurement techniques and application area.
In 2010 the Scientific Commitee decided to broaden the topics dealt with by the event by including also noncontact measurement techniques, so to offer a more complete overview. A list of Measurement Techniques dealt with and of Application Areas interested is given in the Call for Papers section.
The following invited lectures from recognised personalities will be included in the conference programme:
An exhibition is planned to enable participating organisations to bring their products directly to the attention of potential customers. Leading manufacturers of laser vibrometer systems, holographic equipment and modal and noise analysis systems will exhibit.
Additional information are available in the dedicated section.
A one-day tutorial course will be held the day before the Conference in order to provide fundamentals of Laser Techniques for Vibration Measurements and to offer hands-on experience on the most advanced instrumentation. Additional information are available in the deicated section.