Matteo Bezziccheri

Matteo Bezziccheri
PhD student


Research Areas

His research activity is about the mechanical measurements, in particular it addresses the development and application of measurement methods for wind turbine testing. At present he is working onstrain gaugesmeasurements for the analysis of mechanical loads on wind turbines.

Capsule Bio

Matteo Bezziccheri received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Mechanical Engineering in 2014. His thesis, entitled “Certificazione di turbine eoliche: taratura di pontiestensimetrici per l’analisi di carichimeccanici” has been developed at the DIISM (Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences) of the UniversitàPolitecnicadelle Marche.
Since 2014 he has been a PhD at the DIISM of the UniversitàPolitecnicadelle Marche.



M.Bezziccheri, P.Castellini, P.Evangelisti, C.Santolini, N.Paone. Uncertainty associated with strain gauge measurements on wind turbines, Presented in EWEA Conference, Paris, 2015.


Office Phone:
+39 071 220 4508
