Luigi Casacanditella PhD student
Research Areas His research activity is about the mechanical measurements and the biomedical instrumentation, with particular focus on: – Non-contact measurement of central and peripheral arterial pressure by means of laser Doppler vibrometry – Additive manufacturing applications in biomedical devices – Imaging techniques for the measurement of physiological parameters Capsule Bio Luigi Casacanditella was born in Termoli(CB), Italy, in November 1988. He received the Laurea degree (cum laude) in Electronic Engineering in 2013. He got the Bachelor’s degree in Biomedical Engineering in December 2010 and he got the Master’s Degree in Electronic Engineering (with honors) in February 2013 at the Polytechnic University of Marche (UNIVPM, Italy). He started Ph.D in Industrial Engineering Sciences in November 2013 at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Publications – Cosoli G., Casacanditella L., Pietroni F., Calvaresi A., Scalise L., Revel G.M., “A novel approach for features extraction in physiological signals: validation in different sensing devices”, MeMeA Conference Proceedings (7-9 May 2015) – 2015 Best Poster Award – L. Scalise, S. Casaccia, G. Cosoli, L. Casacanditella, F. Pietroni, J. Rohrbaugh, E.P. Tomasini, “Non-contact assessment of blood pressure wave by means of blood pressure wave by means of vibrocardiography”, Laser Florence (Florence, 5-7 November 2015) – G. Cosoli, L. Casacanditella, L. Scalise, E.P. Tomasini, “Heart Rate Assessment by means of a Novel Approach Applied to Signals of Different Nature”, AIVELA Conference, Perugia, 12-13 November 2015. – G. Cosoli, L. Casacanditella, Feature extraction in Physiological signals, IEEE-EMBS 9th International Summer School in Biomedical Signal Processing, Pavia, August 2015. -Gloria Cosoli, Luigi Casacanditella, Enrico Primo Tomasini, Lorenzo Scalise, “Evaluation of Heart Rate Variability by means of Laser Doppler Vibrometry measurements”, XXII AIVELA Annual Meeting (December 2014)
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