Luca Giammichele


Research fellow – ING-IND/11 (2016 – 2019)


Prof. Renato Ricci

Research areas

The research activity concerns the development of new high efficiency wing profiles for large fans (HVLS fans) for air destratification in the field of animal husbandry and in industrial environments, in collaboration with the company Evel s.r.l. In parallel, other research activities have been carried out concerning experimental study of wing profiles in wind tunnels:

  • study of passive systems to reduce the aerodynamic resistance of wing profiles for wind turbines, by controlling the boundary layer by micro surface roughness (Dimple);
  • aerodynamic characterization of deformable wings for paragliding;

Finally, as part of the ADELE University project, he participated in the design and construction of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) for energy applications such as, among others, diagnostics on photovoltaic fields and wind turbine blades.

Capsule bio

Luca Giammichele was born in Atessa (CH) on 19 February 1991. In 2013 he obtained a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Università Politecnica delle Marche, with the thesis “Non-destructive testing on a railway axle using Laser-Ultrasonic technic”. In 2016 he obtained the master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, with the thesis “Disegn and experimental measurement of a paraglider’s airfoil”. From 2016 he began the PhD course in Industrial Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) of the Università Politecnica delle Marche.

Main publications
  1. V. D’Alessandro, G. Clementi, M. Falone, L. Giammichele, S. Montelpare and R. Ricci. Passive boundary layer control on wind turbines blades using dimples. Proceedings of 36th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference, Catania, June 25th-27th, 2018.

  2. V. D’Alessandro, G. Clementi, L. Giammichele and R. Ricci. Assessment of the dimples as passive boundary layer control technique for laminar airfoils operating at wind turbine blades root region typical Reynolds numbers. Energy, 170, (2019), 102-111.

  3. V. D’Alessandro, L. Giammichele, C. Lops and R. Ricci. Towards DES/DDES computation of the flow field and heat transfer adopting elliptic relaxation and local correlation based transition approaches. Proceedings of 37th UIT National Heat Transfer Conference, Padova, June 24th-26th, 2019.

  4. G. Cappanera, V. D’Alessandro, L. Giammichele and R. Ricci. Acoustic Investigation of Aerodynamic Appendages for Wind Turbine Blades: Fluid-Dynamic Tests. Proceedings of 13th AIGE conference, Matera, June 13th-14th, 2019.



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