Davide Bolognini


PostDoctoral Researcher – MAT/03


Prof. Mario Marietti

Research Areas

Interactions between Combinatorics, Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry.
Minimal graded free resolutions of homogeneous ideals, simplicial complexes (Discrete Morse Theory, shellability, order complexes…), homological properties of binomial edge ideals, generalizations of flag varieties.

Capsule Bio

I was born in Castelnovo ne’ Monti (RE) in June 1985. I obtained the Master degree and the PhD at University of Genoa (advisors: Prof. Marilina Rossi; co-advisors: Prof. Emanuela De Negri, Leila De Floriani). 
After a postdoctoral position at Philipps Universitat of Marburg (Germany) under the supervision of Prof. Volkmar Welker (2015), I awarded a Swiss Government Excellence Postdoctoral Scholarship at Department of Mathematics in Fribourg (Switzerland), under the supervision of Prof. Emanuele Delucchi (2017-2018).
After this I awarded a Postdoctoral fellowship and an INdAM postdoctoral fellowship at Department of Mathematics in Bologna, under the supervision of Prof. Luca Moci (2019).
Now I am a Postdoctoral researcher at DIISM of Università Politecinca delle Marche and contract professor for the course of Linear Algebra and Geometry (Facoltà di Ingegneria Informatica e dell’Automazione) in this university.

Main publications
  1. D.Bolognini, A.Macchia, F.Strazzanti, Cohen-Macaulay binomial edge ideals and accessible graphs, to appear in Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics.
  2. D.Bolognini, P.Sentinelli, P-flag spaces and incidence stratifications, Selecta Mathematica, Vol. 72, n. 27 (2021).
  3. B.Benedetti, D.Bolognini, Non-ridge-chordal complexes whose clique complex has shellable Alexander dual, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, Vol. 180 (2021).
  4. D.Bolognini, U.Fugacci, Betti splitting from a topological point of view, Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, Vol 19, no. 6 (2020).
  5. D.Bolognini, Betti splitting via componentwise linear ideals, Journal of Algebra, Vol. 455, pp. 1-13 (2016).




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