Chiara Mansanta


PhD Student – ING-IND/15 (XXXII year, 2016 – 2019)


Prof. Michele Germani

Research Areas

The objective of the research, in collaboration with Marche Manufacturing Cluster, is to present the further development of the application of a standard methodology to boost innovation inside real case studies of manufacturing companies. The proposed methodology provides a viable solution for manufacturing companies that have to evaluate new business ideas. This methodology will stimulate entrepreneurship, using an intuitive approach, showing business dynamics from another perspective, expanding analysis and synthesis translated into new technologies, products and processes. Tools proposed have a structured and systematical approach to develop and enhance innovation.

Capsule Bio

Chiara Mansanta was born in Cagli, (PU), on 25 July 1989. After a bachelor’s degree in business Languages at the University Carlo Bo, in Urbino (italy), she had her master dregree in International Economics and Business at Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy). After two years work at Marche Manufacturing Cluster, in November 2016 she started the Ph.D. course in Industrial Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) at Università Politecnica delle Marche. Her research fields include open innovation, technology transfer, entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship discovery. 

  1. Bonci, A., Mansanta, C., Pirani, M., and Longhi, S. Performance Improvement in CPSs over Self-similar System Structures, IFAC Paper, Vol. 51 Issue 11 ( 
  2. Mansanta, C., Sani, D., Intrapreneurship Discovery: Standard Strategy to Boost Innovation inside Companies, Creativity and Innovation Management


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