Barbara Lonzi PhD Student
Research Areas Involved in the development of innovative experimental methodologies for the mechanical characterization of non-conventional materials having regard to dynamics and statics. Research interests include both experimental testing (competence in perform tensile test, biaxial test, creep and stress-relaxation tests, DMA, vibration analysis of light structures, shock measurements) and development of processing algorithms for the analysis of experimental data (image analysis and processing, signal processing, software development, material modeling and simulations). The research activity is mainly performed in collaboration with ASK Industries S.p.A. Capsule Bio She graduated in Biomedical Engineering (cum laude) from Università Politecnica delle Marche in 2011 with a thesis entitled “Studio di tendini rotulei di coniglio e degli effetti della membrana di collagene nella riparazione tendinea: analisi meccanica e morfometrica”. Since 2012, she is a PhD at the DIISM of the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Within her PhD, she did a 3 months internship in the R&D Test Division of Siemens in Leuven (Belgium), where she organized two jury tests within the FP7 Project eVADER and she developed a new non-contact measurement setup for lightweight structures. At the moment, she is doing a 7 months internship at the Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen of the Technische Universität Wien within the context of mechanical and dynamic modeling of hyperelastic materials, as rubber. Publications
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