Alma Leopardi


Research fellow – ING-IND/15


Prof. Maura Mengoni

Research Areas

His research activity concerns the development of innovative interactive methods and tools, for the management and use of cultural heritage through the construction of virtual prototypes. The research focused on the study and comparison of different interaction and visualization technologies, able to enhance digital cultural heritage effectively based on the context and purpose of use.

Capsule Bio

Alma Leopardi graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in 2016. In November 2016 he started the PhD course in Industrial Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. Her research interest includes: new fruition and interaction technologies, customer experience, reverse engineering.

  1. Mengoni, M., Leopardi, A. (2019). An exploratory Study on the Application of Reverse Engineering in the Field of Small Archaeological Artefacts. Computer-Aided Design and Applications 16(6), 1209-1226.
  2. Mengoni, M., Ceccacci, S., Generosi, A., & Leopardi, A. (2018). Spatial Augmented Reality: an application for human work in smart manufacturing environment. Procedia Manufacturing, 17, 476-483.


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