
The quantity and quality of research is documented by the publications produced each year in international journals of excellence, national and international conference proceedings and chapters of national and international books and patents. The Department is also engaged in intensive scientific dissemination activities through conferences, seminars and specialized courses.

  • In the VQR assessment (2011-2014) of the individual Scientific Disciplinary Sectors, 7 out of 11 sectors of the Area 09 present in the Department are positioned in the first quartile as an average grade compared to the results of the relevant National SSD.
  • 9 DIISM professors obtained the maximum evaluation for all their research products presented in the VQR (2011-2014).
  • The DIISM is within the 1st quartile in the subGEV of its competence (Mechanical, energy and management engineering): 18/78 and 4/27 respectively.

For the complete list of publications consult the IRIS platform.


Research Gate