Alex Altieri


PhD Student – ING-IND/15 (XXXIII year, 2017 – 2020)


Prof. Maura Mengoni

Research Areas

His research activity concerns the study and research of solutions for comfort on the high seas through the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. The main objective is to design and develop a system that is able to automatically detect the emotional state of people inside a room, analyze the data and respond through audio, video and lighting components to reflect the emotional state of the person.

Capsule Bio

Alex Altieri graduated in Computer Engineering at the Università Politecnica delle Marche in 2010. After a few short work experiences in the design and development of information systems for some companies, in November 2017 he started the PhD course in Industrial Engineering at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences (DIISM) at the Università Politecnica delle Marche. His research interest includes Domotics Design, web-based services and Machine Learning.

  1.  A. Generosi , A. Altieri , S. Ceccacci , G. Foresi , A. Talipu , G. Turri , M. Mengoni (2018), ‘MoBeTrack: A Toolkit to Analyze User Experience of Mobile Apps in the Wild’, ICCE 2019.
  2. A. Altieri, S. Ceccacci , L. Ciabattoni , A. Generosi , A. Talipu , G. Turri , M. Mengoni (2018), ‘An Adaptive System to Manage Playlists and Lighting Scenarios Based on the User’s Emotions’ , ICCE 2019.


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